Entry into inheritance after the death intestate. The procedure for acceptance of the inheritance. Dates, documents

With it faces in the practice of many citizens

Entry into inheritance after the death of the intestate - a process that is able to provide much problemsAll people with the living have their wealth and pass it on to those or other persons. Such negligence in the future may bring trouble to the heirs. How to get the location of the property. What everyone ought to know the potential heir. After having addressed in the Russian legislation, citizens will be able to resolve all disputes without a will probate. Russia - a country where, for the inheritance of the parents and third parties are fighting each year. This is why the inheritance without testament generally plays an important role. About all the world should be. In general, there are several options for the transfer of property by inheritance, Russia. Inheritance to each person that the owner considers worthy, and is granted at the discretion of the candidate. In other words, you need to specify in a will, and who gets what after death. Heirs are individuals - and parents, and strangers. But more controversies and problems gives the entry in the inheritance after the death intestate. What are the characteristics of the process should take into account. For example, who should deal with in the future.

This is especially true of citizens who are not too friendly with his family.

The thing is that when inheriting third parties intestate cannot claim the property of the deceased. According to the law, the distribution of goods is made between the parents of the deceased. Therefore, all the conflicts and legacy issues will be resolved within the family. You also need to consider that there are so-called inheritance of all in Russia. The citizens will demand an inheritance in the order of priority. Here, the role played by the family ties. Most of the deceased person, the greater the chances of the inheritance. Entry into inheritance after the death intestate - the process is not as difficult as it may seem. But only if the family there is no real conflict. In the opposite case, the heirs will certainly want to communicate to the court for the division of property. As already mentioned, according to the legacy of the act is dispatched in turn. The first property can qualify: If the deceased has no wife husband and her children, the inheritance is mostly offered to parents. In the opposite case, the property is given to the offspring and spouses. And if they reject it - the parents of the deceased. In this case, the illegitimate children are also the legal heirs of the first stage. The property is also distributed between all the contenders. As a general rule, in the first round to the heirs don't normally reach. But there are exceptions.

Therefore, in Russia there are several levels of priority inheritance.

Namely: In the first case, the citizen goes to the notary

Entry into inheritance after the death of the succession ab intestato of the deceased, you can receive not only the parents, children, and the second half, but also other parents.

If these people did not have a person (or they have renounced their shares), the property will be offered to other blood relatives. And those parents out there. In this case, the property is offered to aunts, uncles, grand-father, grand-mothers, great-grand-children, great-grandfathers and mothers, once again, the uncles and aunts, and nephews. Only after them could claim the inheritance: A citizen who was a dependant.

In this case, these people can also get their share of the inheritance, but finally, after all of these parents.

In practice, the people in charge are rarely act as legal heirs. When in possession. In Russia, these issues are handled by the notary. The inheritance is done only in his presence. Appeal is possible to the authorized person of the State and the private sector. The main thing is that in order to get his share of the inheritance (as a legacy, and without it), it is possible that by a notary public. For more information on how to act, it will be discussed below. It is important to pay attention to the distance of the applications of inheritance. The time limits set by the State, and still less for a period of time to assert their rights. Otherwise, fail to operate as an heir. To decide the inheritance of the property is given six months.

This period may be reduced, but only if the citizen will be able to prove that he should not return to the notary before for good reasons.

At the time of the game will need to write a consent to, or refuse to accept the inheritance. It is possible to do otherwise - to commit acts clearly show the adoption of the property. For example, start the existing service, to keep and cherish. This alignment does not occur too often. As it happens of registration. Not to get lost in the action will contribute to step by step instructions for the heirs. In general, the surgery is similar to the receipt of the property as a legacy of inheritance. The citizen does not want to be an heir. Then, after the writing of the refusal shall be obliged to inform close relatives of your decision. And they will have to ask a notary public, by following the instructions. Any an important nuance to prepare the documents for the inheritance. Father, mother or any other parent - it is not so important. The main thing is that the relationship with the citizen will have to confirm. This is the main problem faced by the people. Especially if it came to the parents of a cousin. As a general rule, in regards to the design of the heritage of the law between the heirs of the first stage, the preparation of the documents, there is no problem. Therefore, the only problem that may face the citizens - this division of property. Particular attention should be paid the shares of the spouses in the inheritance of the property. The husband wife of the deceased - is the first of the heirs of the queue. They share a special stand for the principles. How exactly First spouse inherits the property joint, and then - from prior to the marriage. Assume that an inheritance is distributed to the house. I was the woman of a dead child and. Then, the property will be divided - house two as his wife prior to the granting of the inheritance. And the remaining half is divided into child and wife in equal shares.

As well, the woman will receive three or four of the house.

Suppose that a citizen had decided to join the legacy by the law. He appealed to the notary, showed him the package of securities required and received a certificate indicating the acceptance of the property. What is the next. Now, as has been said, you will need to register their rights. In regards to the real estate (which in practice occurs most often), it is necessary to ask the Rosreestr or Companies House. With a successor must bring with them: In exchange for these shares will be issued to the applicant a statement which speaks of the acceptance of the application. After - days, you can pick up new documents.

It should also be noted that not only the property is inherited, but also obligations.

For example, the debt. From now on, it is clear that the inheritance without a will. In general, this operation is not different from the legacy by testament. To a certain preparation of citizens without any problem will be able to get their share of the property.