Act neu fdes yellow Vests to Nancy: a lawyer close to Standing the France arrested (VIDEO) RT in French

The twelve of January, in the afternoon, at a rally in Nancy, which was in the quiet of close to a hundred yellow Vests, the police proceeded to the arrest of the lawyer François Vallas for"incitement to rebellion"His custody was lifted in the early evening the same day."According to the police, it would have prompted a verbal yellow Vests to go to the contact of police officers who had trapped, in the case of an event unreported and therefore illegal,"said the Is Republican attorney Nancy Francis Pérain. In a video posted on a group on Facebook created to protest her detention, one can see the man of law mean to the yellow Vests, then surrounded by the CRS, they could not be the subject of an interpellation:"You have neither crime, nor offense, or contravention. If the police have reason to believe that a person could commit a crime, they can put in custody. In this case, it is they who are committing an offence of deprivation of freedom", lance-t-il. While the protesters abounded in his sense, one of them reported then that members of the forces of order prevent them,"for no reason", let them leave the premises. A few seconds after the testimony of the protester, the video stops abruptly with the arrest of Francis Vallas, who wished, in vain, to distribute his business cards to protesters wishing to use its services. Very quickly, the inquiry has elicited the wrath of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan. The chairman of Standing the France, training policy adhered to by the lawyer, has effect protested on Twitter against arrest which he described as a"scandalous". During his time in custody, the advocate has challenged"to have urged the protesters to break the safety device It is very worrying in a rule of law that we place in police custody a lawyer does his work: to inform the weak of their rights", has he reacted to his exit from the office. The procedure has been transmitted to the prosecutor of Nancy, who will take a decision on the action to give the facts, after having taken knowledge of the case.