
The law society is the professional order of lawyers

You can share your knowledge by improving it (how.) according to the recommendations of the corresponding projectsIt is a professional agency, administrative and judicial review of the defence and regulation of the profession of lawyers. Each lawyer, to practice his profession, must belong to a bar. In Switzerland, the law society is organised at the cantonal level and we speak most commonly of the cantonal registry.

In France, the Order, such as the law society, are both legal persons of private law exercising the prerogatives of public interest (these are not Institutions of public utility).

The Order includes all Lawyers, including legal fees (as trainees, when this regime exists, which is not the case, since). The law society only gathers the Counsel of record, therefore, in exercise.

This is the Order that brings together the voters designating the Council of the Order, professional organization. Its president, lawyer elected by her colleagues, is responsible for the discipline of the legal profession.

The French law admits, however, of the structures of exercise cross-bars. The National Council of the bar is appointed to represent the legal profession, in particular with the public authorities, to unify the rules and practices of the legal profession (Code of professional conduct for lawyers), and to organize the training. The name of the bar, just a bar of iron or a wooden fence that separated the place where stood the litigants of the one that was reserved for the judges, and it was this barrier that is placed to receive submissions and queries that we had to present them. The ordre des avocats de Paris is registered as a representative of interests within the national Assembly. He said to this title in with an overall budget of euros, and indicates that the annual costs related to direct activities of representation of interests in Parliament are included between and eur. Each college is headed by a president (stafhouder in Dutch) and a council of the order. The two orders in the community are headed by a chairman, a board of directors and the general assembly of the chairpersons. The discipline is exercised by the six councils of discipline (three per community, one in each spring of court of appeal, headed by the two disciplinary boards of appeal (one per community), The legal profession made its appearance in France in the Thirteenth century. The first text regulating the profession date of The lawyer is then required to be registered on an official list, of which the first preserved is that of Paris and date from.

Towards, the Paris bar association, account lawyers, Nancy, Toulouse, that of Rouen, Bordeaux, that of Rennes, Metz, of Lyon, Marseille.

According to the Encyclopedia, 'bar, in terms of the Palace, meant in origin an iron bar or closure of wood at the height of the support, which separated the enclosure where sat the judges with the parties outside the court where were the lawyers, other practitioners'.