Contract of marriage

You can share your knowledge by improving it (how.) according to the recommendations of the corresponding projectsThe marriage contract is a legal act written with the purpose of determining the status and fate of the property during and until the dissolution of the marriage.

In Germany, in Belgium, in France and in Quebec, the marriage contract is necessarily spent in front of a notary.

In the Old law, and especially in modern times, the marriage contract was a pre-almost universal to the civil act, regardless of the social condition.

It was capable of all sorts of provisions, not contrary to good morals, and contrary to the positive law could even have the fate of property (and people) after the dissolution of the marriage by means of provisions of succession, donations, or changes the nature of the goods. It was the Law of the family, which neither the Act itself nor the contracting states could not infringe once signed. In this respect, this contract had a very great favor. It is based, tells us Ferrière, on two grounds: marriage contracts therefore they constitute an important subject of study for the historian, or general historian of the law in particular. They enable the analysis of social structures, economic conditions, of the genealogical history of the families. They also allow the study of private Law old both in its geographical diversity, that sums up too summarily the division of customary Law with written Law, and the level of privileges stricto sensu of groups or individuals, and of the evolution of matrimonial matters, inheritance and contract, until the movement for the unification of the right, precipitated during the interim period.