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You can specify the sections to be internationalized by using section to internationalizeIf you have books or articles reference or if you know of quality websites dealing with the theme addressed here, please complete the section giving useful references to its verifiability and linking them to the section"Notes and references"a trial is A dispute submitted to a court, which may be, for example, a court or a tribunal. In some countries, the decision is generally called judgment, when the court which rendered it is called the court, or judgment, when this court is called"court". In the political regimes are unstable, the trial that did not respect the rights of the defence may take the form of a"people's court, a trial without witnesses, a practice inquisitorial, decree, policy, justice revolutionary (e.g. justice revolutionary in Nantes), a secret tribunal, of a confession under torture, or a settlement of accounts against an individual.

Before any action, the jurisdiction must be defined so as to know with what type of court action must be brought and at what place it will be.

There are two kinds of skills that it is necessary to define: To bring a case before the tribunal de grande instance (TGI), it is necessary that the applicant calls his opponent to appear before the court serving a summons, which is established by counsel for the applicant and served by the bailiff on the defendant. If the sponsor intends to oppose the application, he must choose to turn to a lawyer.

A copy of the assignment is lodged at the registry of the court, then the case is registered by the secretariat-greffe on a general register called the role.

If one of the parties wishes to use the services of an outside attorney, the lawyer you choose must use the procedure of postulation (however the application should, if the law Macron is voted to be deleted in a near future). The president shall then fix the date to which the case will be called Until this date, the case is heard and there is an exchange of findings and parts between lawyers. not clear on The date set, the case is called at the hearing before the president, who examines the state of the case with the lawyers.

If she seems to be ready to be judged, the president decides the reference to the hearing which he fixed the date.

Otherwise the president support a magistrate's court, the judge of readiness, to accelerate the statement of the case. The judge of perfection, then makes a closing order and returns the case to the court. The day of the hearing, the court hears the oral arguments of counsel, and, after he had been deliberate, the judgment is made, in principle, in a public hearing. The police court is a criminal court, French court fines The more serious crimes (called misdemeanors) are tried by a criminal court.