Lawyer Piero Glue - Udine - Brescia, italy - Avvocato Penalista ed Infortunista - risarcimento - infortunio

PIERO GLUE LAWYER is registered with the college desavocats of Udine and he is involved mainly in criminal procedure and of the préventiondes accidents in the workplace, specialment of road accidents and procedures consistent in the cadrejudiciaire and extrajudicial, relating to damage to the person under all points of view refund. It is particularly intéresséaux legal issues concerning foreigners and it is registered in the ordresdes lawyers admitted to the defense in State fees in the framework of the procédurepénale and in that of the Defenders officeHe obtained his law degree at the University of Studies of Bologna, after having followed a course of studies quiprivilégiait the areas of criminal law, and international, and after avoirsoutenu his thesis in Prison Law with Professor MassimoPavarini about “the evolution of The Idea of Treatment in the Reform of the Penitentiary”. The Lawyer Piero Colle has soncabinet a lawyer, in Udine, in the rue Daniele Manin, also addresses in Brescia and Bologna.