Perfezionamento del Russo, learn Russian - Assimil

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You already have the book and want to get the matching records in the form of audio CD files. The records comprise the entirety of the texts in Russian of the lessons and exercises in translation of the book. They are interpreted at a gradual pace, by native speakers professionals You already have the book and want to get the matching records in the form of mp files. This box includes the records that match the books 'THE DEVELOPMENT of RUSSIAN' The records comprise the entirety of the texts in Russian of the lessons and exercises in translation of the book. They are interpreted at a gradual pace, by native speakers professionals The MP CD can load all or part of the records of the method on your portable MP player. You can listen to the lessons and exercises continuously or phrase by phrase The MP CD contains recordings of quality studio and all files in its text and that of Russian phrases in the book. If your player supports this feature, the texts are displayed simultaneously listening. Quest'opera è rivolta a quanti, avendo already acquisito le basi della lingua, desiderano perfezionare e consolidare le proprie conoscenze per raggiungere a livello superiore, equiparabile al C del Quadro Europeo di Riferimento. Questo corso faced diversi temi peculiari della società russa contemporanea: dalla cultura (arte, letteratura.) all'economia (lavoro, affari.), passando per la vita quotidiana (famiglia, tradizioni.). Ogni sette lezioni verranno affrontati in modo più completo gli argomenti grammaticali più ardui (numerali, participi, gerundi, verbi di moto, aspetti del verbo, prefissi verbali).

Tutto quanto potrà sembrare a priori impegnativo, grazie a questo metodo verrà assimilato senza details difficoltà, in modo naturale e leggero.

Sarà sufficiente un po’ di costanza e, seguendo i consigli forniti, persino i famosi e temuti aspetti verbali risulteranno di facile accesso. Completa opera a Lessico russo-italiano con indicazione delle coppie aspettuali e delle reggenze dei casi.

Gli obbiettivi:- parlare russo in modo disinvolto e coerente from alle diverse situazioni, - acquisire la logica della lingua, - comprendere meglio le espressioni idiomatiche e i film in lingua original, - leggere e comprendere i giornali e riviste specializzate, - comprendere e riuscire a sostenere le conversazioni con i madrelingua di diverse zone del Paese (the differenze di accento vengono puntualizzate nelle specifiche note sulla pronuncia).

More than of the million inhabitants of the Russian Republic is a native Russian speaker.

Some thirty million Russians live outside Russia, most of them in the other republics of the CIS. The “non-Russians” of the Russian Republic (nearly twenty of the country's population) represent a hundred different ethnic groups have for the most part their own language, but also speak Russian. The Russian, the official language of the former USSR, was being used in schools, at work, in government, in short, in the whole of public life. Even today, the majority of the adult population of the former soviet republics understand and do not see a downside to using it (especially with a tourist), even if it is not their native language. The Russian is, moreover, often the language used to communicate with foreigners, including in the republics that have chosen the other official language. Although it is possible, even likely, that the distribution of the countries where they speak Russian is amended in the future - in particular in the republics and devices of Russia - and Russian immigrants from Georgia, baltic countries and of the other republics now independent back in Russia, it seems clear that the Russian language will continue to play a predominant role among the slavic languages.

The user is regarded as experienced, that is to say, it can understand a wide range of longer texts and demanding, as well as implicit meaning.

It can express themselves spontaneously and fluently without much obvious need to seek his words. He can use the language effectively and flexible in his social life, professional or academic. He can express himself on complex topics in a clear and well-structured and demonstrate their control of the tools of organization, articulation and cohesion of the discourse.