Spousal support paid for a child: the amount and the payment - service-public

Each parent must contribute to the maintenance and education of children, in proportion to his resources and needs of the childEven in the event of separation or divorce, each parent must contribute to the maintenance and education of children, in proportion to his resources and needs of the child. In case of request of modification of measures taken by the judge, it is appropriate to use the form cerfa n°*. The family court judge sets the amount of child support for a child born out of wedlock The amount of the pension is determined on the basis of the resources and expenses of the one who has to pay (the debtor) and the needs of the one to whom it is due (the creditor). There is a grid indicative of the amounts, to which the judge and the people concerned can refer to, as well as a simulator for the calculation: alimony is due, in general, from the date of the claim (provided that the conditions for entitlement to food are met). The payment of the pension does not cease automatically to the majority of the child, it continues until the child has acquired financial autonomy, in particular up to the end of his studies. The adult child may himself, as his parents are separated or not, make a request for maintenance from the family court judge depends on his her home. the one that should the pension must report any change of address of the beneficiary, if he does not, he incurs a penalty of fine and imprisonment. The agreement approved or, the judge may provide that this payment is made by bank transfer or by any other means of payment. the fact to host their child during the holidays does not decrease the amount of the pension, since the latter is fixed. In the event of non-payment of alimony, it is possible for the parent creditor with an enforceable title, to give notice to the other parent debtor to pay sums due. The parent creditor must be in possession of a writ (an order or judgment) rendered by the family court fixing the amount of alimony. It will send to the liable parent a letter of formal notice recommended with acknowledgement of receipt.