Study: here are the professions that increase the risk of divorce

While the citizens of the modern world have the tendency to get married as late as possible, divorce is still very common. This may be due to infidelity, lack of communication, at the genetic or even the feeling of no longer loving his spouse, his spouse. That said, it includes only very rarely the choice of art in this list To discover which professions are experiencing the divorce rate is higher, the statistician Nathan Yau is based on the results of a study of a period of five years which was conducted by the US Census Bureau (the census Bureau of the United States, which account the country's population every ten years)After analyzing all the data, he was able to discover some really interesting trends. Below, you will find eight professions that significantly increase the risk of divorce. These are the people who work with the customers of online casinos and games rooms. If one takes into account the fact that their work drives them to drink alcohol and allows them to get acquainted with many interesting people in a festive environment, we understand that their profession could easily destroy their relationship with their spouse. The bartenders have the same coefficient of divorce because the environment of bars very similar to those of casinos and game rooms that we have mentioned above. In addition, it generally requires these employees to be very friendly and sometimes flirt) with their customers. Another problem is that many bars often require their employees to serve the customers until the last is gone, which leads to irregular working hours.

Due to all these factors, the bartenders were struggling to find the time to spend with their family.

In fact, all professions of service can cause problems with family relationships. However, working at night poses a difficulty particular to the extent that these workers have a hard time being home at the same time as their spouse joint.

It was found that the managers and operators of brands of rental cars have a divorce rate of, one.

It is very likely that this is due to the fact that this profession has of hours of work, very complicated to manage for the family members. These workers must in general comply with the rules of the three-eight or seasonal work.

It can be assumed that the lack of routine or the absence of a fixed schedule does little to stay in contact and that leads to divorce.

This profession gets a high percentage of divorces due to the constant stress that prevails.

Every day, the sales staff is forced to listen to people screaming over the phone and, after that, they feel the need to go home and be kind to others. According to Nathan Yau, a lot of collection agents plant also for the same reason. As regards the professional categories more generally, it turns out that people who work in the transportation industry (e.g. bus drivers) have a divorce rate higher than computer scientists or mathematicians. In addition, Nathan Yau has also discovered that people who earned high salaries planted rarely. However, people who receive modest salaries and who have been divorced say that their salary has not exercised any influence on their decision. Clearly, the profession is not the only reason for divorce, but she can still encourage separation.