That contains a graphic, what are its objectives

By associating the word graph, the result is a reference document called the charter graph, it contains the basic rules on the use of graphic signs constituting the visual identity of a company, a brand, an organization or a projectThe graphic charter includes and reflects graphically the whole universe and all of the securities of the company (dynamism, innovation, elegance), it is the fundamental support of all its communication (internal and external). The central element of a graphic identity is the logo (logos, symbols, logos, typography, and logos, mixed), it is found on all the communication media of the company, it is from the logo that we built a visual identity. The logo must reflect the image of the company and its activities, it must also strengthen its image and reassure its customers. The logo must be able to adapt and be adapted to (different colours, with or without a baseline, square or rectangular) on all communication supports of the company. It is found, for example, on the headed paper, quotes and invoices, posters, commercial brochures, flyers, the website and company vehicles. The logo alone does not constitute a graphic charter, the charter also defines the fonts and the typographic formatting to use, as a rule general a title font and a font size of content. Typography is one of the essential components of the graphic universe of a company, some companies such as Renault go so far as to create a font specific to stand out. The charter freezes also the choice of colors through games of colors adapted to the requirements of different communication media and different funds available (color background or white background).

The number of color sets must be limited in order to simplify the memorizing of the visual identity and its differentiation from the competition (or five colours are a perfect compromise between memorization and differentiation).

We must find in the charter of the Pantone values, CMYK, RGB and hexadecimal of each color used. Some of the graphics charts are designed to adapt and evolve according to the changes of the company. One of the objectives of a graphic charter is to maintain a consistency graphics in all the graphics of a company. Its implementation guarantees a visual identity uniform that will be able to take ownership of the customers as well as all partners (suppliers, designers, press) of a company. The graphic charter can therefore communicate"with one voice"with as a positive consequence a control of the image of the company. The English speak of corporate design (literally: drawing of the enterprise). The other objective of the graphic charter is to allow the receiver to easily identify the transmitter through the consistency associated with the recurrence of different graphics.

Other interest non-negligible, a full style guide allows to speed up and facilitate the production of new communication media, the fundamentals are already existing.

To conclude, have a graphic charter is essential to communicate effectively, some companies such as the BBC publish the same site web to help of their partners for use of their graphic charter.

A graphical chart is also a crucial tool in the service of the communication strategy of the company, with the aim to establish its identity and its image.

gentlemen you are doing a great job, success and glory will be my sincere wishes Ammar chouf Constantine, Algeria. If you want a graphic design for your business, please do not hesitate to contact us Ping: Why is the logo is it important in the business strategy of your company. Central assistance and business opportunities Ping: Why the logo is an important part of the business strategy of your company. - Central assistance and business opportunities Ping: what is a visual identity and why you need it for your case. Invenio Imago.