Tunisia: the surprising conversion to the jihad of a famous rapper

He smiled on a site on which floats the flag of Daech

Child of the revolution in tunisia, the rapper known, Marwan Douiri, Emino to the scene, has just announced that he had left his country and joined the islamic group islamic StateThe one who denounced police repression inherited from Ben Ali, extolled the easy life, luxury, and singing women, alcohol and drugs, posted, Wednesday, on Facebook, his new profession of faith. On the photo that accompanied his allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the young man of twenty-five years of age is wearing a short pants, an overcoat and a bonnet. It has a headgear to tiles around the neck. It is easy to understand that his family and fans were upset by the new. Born in a middle class family in Tunis, famous, with his own recording studio in his house in the district of la Manouba, he had attended a concert there is still a year in Morocco. His friends rappers, who shared joints and bottles with him, do not want to speak publicly. His former lawyer, mr.

Ghazi Mrabet, is the only one to have agreed to talk to us openly.

Emino had been convicted in for possession of cannabis and was conducted over eight months in prison. Prosecuted for insulting the police, he had been acquitted in first instance in April. But the prosecution had appealed. His career followed parallel to that of Weld, his friend rapper, whose trouble with the law have long been a regular news tunisian. To have compared police officers to dogs in a rap, Weld fifteen and all the people who had participated in the music and the clip have been, at one time or another, doomed.

In June, to the output of a new trial of Weld, tells Me Ghazi Mrabet, Emino has exploded:"I'm tired of this country, you leave it.

Why this hatred against the youth."And it is gone in stride for a short holiday in Turkey. To his attorney, as to his friends rappers,"police repression"is the main responsible for the conversion of Emino to radical islamism."Many of our young people say that this country is breaking the expectations", stresses Me Mrabet. Emigration, religion, the jihad would be, for some, escape pathways. Suffocating in Tunisia, a number of artists from the revolution, to begin by Weld, live, them, France."He no longer wanted to hear about her appeal trial and told me that he didn't care about justice", remembers Me Mrabet, which today includes the process of his client was driven by a vision of salafism, rejecting society and its institutions. This past year, Emino was grow a beard, he wore the kamis, this tunic original afghan-pakistan appreciated the islamists, he prayed a lot. He had stopped the rap. And why choose France instead of defending their ideas in their countries. As to this rapper, it is his choice. his friends are surprised, and saw nothing coming. for a year he was dressed as islamist patented.

Some also still doubt his conversion to jihad

it will be able to distract his new friends the terrorists. it will still have to change a few directory. In France they would have been acquitted: a rapper and a sociologist who had jointly published in a book and a CD to the common title, 'Nique la France'. We need to stop the name this group of barbaric Islamic State, just as do its members. Incorrect designation and confused. this is neither a State nor is it Islamic. Group terrorist, barbaric and bloodthirsty, and that's all. And where your barbarians will they search for their principles and their art of living, if it is not in the qur'an.References are still easy to find. It is necessary to quickly finish off with the AR before the disaffected among the young people not to join. The EI becomes the task of oil which extends from the borders of China, of Russia to the african continent. The discontent of the people against their government and against the rulers is the main strength of the AR. Those who say they are shocked by his conversion, should read the wonderful texts of rap hatred and violence.

there is a party put into practice.

everyone does not have the knowledge of French. but as was said by a friend the knowledge is like butter: the less one has the more one spreads out 'The culture is like jam: the less one has, the more it is spread. 'Recovery of a graffiti on the walls in may. Quotes of Jean Delacour, These people are always the victims and accuse others of their own carelessness. Classic and not surprising at all. It's just no matter what, that is all. And oddly enough the alcohol is quoted in the article, but nobody has had the bad idea to refer to it. strange Is yes, too much, money to do nothing, too much alcohol, drugs, sex and a life void of nothing. is a morning the commique believe in the religion and become radical islamists. This proves that this is not a story of financial means, not of social origin, until they should be idle. Being a rapper in Tunisia brings nothing if it does become a little less anonymous. About money and girls (jihadists nikab), the intermediate of Daesh in Tunisia he has given and promised All of this to show that before becoming a terrorist barbarians, all these people were strong sympathetic. is this â to say that every individual sympathetic can be transformed in a barbarian bloodthirsty. Fortunately, the theorists of 'no amalgam' care. Fort friendly is still to see, by account often appeal to the hate and revolt. Therefore it has the force to sing the song, he finished not believing.